tisdag 16 april 2013

Application half way done back to College

I just filed out a lot of information so that I can go back to Santa Monica College! Much has happen since I left SMC in December 2010. I went back to Sweden to be with my dad that was diagnosed with Cancer. In Febuary my dad lost his battle to the cancer. My sorrow has no end but I need to get my life back together and one step is to return to College.
So now I'm on my way!


torsdag 27 oktober 2011

Tapetdjur elefant 0120

Tapetdjur elefant 0120

Look at this Elephant, imagine it on a wall in a child's bedroom! There are many pattern to choose from and all kind of animals.
This Elephant has my favorite pattern designer Josef Frank. I actually had this wallpaper in my kitchen growing up, but with a white background.
Take a look at www.lollopard.se or go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/lollopard/286794549934?sk=wall!


torsdag 23 juni 2011

The Swedish maniac about "Shabby Chic Style"

What is the thing with people on blocket.se (craigslist.com) every thing that is white with broken paint so that you can see some of the wood materials is selling like butter in sunshine! I mean come on! I will show you what people are trying to sell for loads of money. Things that they bought on a flee market last week! Add some text take the time to smell the roses and it will be sooo gay!

Look a dinning table... anyone could say that their old table is Shabby Chic!
This one was one of two things that was cute, but this is only some paint and fabric!
Look at the small tables, the words are not even and it looks like the tables comes directly from Jysk (Walmart).
The this kitchen sofa,,, NO for the love of GOD!!! take it away! The design for a Shabby Chic should be more curved, soft, almost like the French country side style. Not this pine wood! In this case "Less is a bore"
Hum, what to do today?! Ohh well I will tear my kitchen out and write letters on it! Stop act like EVERY thing is Shabby Chic! Sweden, time to wake up!!!!

lördag 11 juni 2011

Missing LA soo much right now!

I should't have gone into sas.com to search for flight to LA, and I def should't have logged on to my SMC (Santa Monica College) profile....
Now I really want to go back to school there! If things just could be as normal as they could here first then I could go back.

Sweden is not to bad, but it's not LA. It's not my dream. I'm trying to focus on the reality and the things that are now. But I can't help dreaming about going back! So I have to make up a plan for me going back. There is still things that are keeping me her, like my dad. But when he is well and up and running again I can go back chasing my dream as a interior decorator.

I've just finished my studies at Halmstad Högskola (Halmstad University) I've studied 30hp (12 units) of Swedish Design which have been so much fun and interesting. But I still miss the US sooooooooo much that I could die alive...

Waking up at 4.45 am has been just time of thoughts going all around in my head, it might have been just what I needed to realize what I want.

But still I have to be here until my dad recovers and then I might just go back to where I belong.



söndag 6 mars 2011

I've been in Sweden for a time now

Long time no see, I hope you all are well out there.
I've been in Sweden for little more than two months now and much has happen since I came here. My dear family member is still sick, I really hope that the wind will turn soon because we need it.
So the disease is taking up much of y every day.

I did't want to stop my studies completely so I'm taking Swedish Design at Halmstad university.

I will post another post soon.

Love Camilla

fredag 17 december 2010

4 days!!! I'm moving back to Sweden!

I'm soon moving back to Sweden for a undecided amount of time..
My green back is to small!! I can't fit all my stuff in there?! Why?!

Art History tomorrow and then I'm off to Weekend!!! :)

Good night!!

Love Camilla

söndag 12 december 2010

8 days left and then I'm going to Sweden

This Fall semester is almost all gone, and I'm really looking forward to my winter break. And the 3 of January my winter semester begins. Two online classes keeping my fingers crossed I have one already, a G.E (General Education) class Early Childhood Education. And then I'm hoping to crash another 3 unit class. Finals this week that is coming, Art 10C, English 1, Human Geography and Art History. And then I'm done! I have one class on Monday and then I'm going to the air port...Sweden time!!

Time pass by so fast and now it's time to catch up with my family members for a while. One of my family members is sick. I don't want to spend my time on the other side of the world.
This family member means way to much for me. So I'm coming home, for a undecided amount of time. And please those of you that know who my family member is, please don't say it here.

Love Camilla

8 days left and then I'm going to Sweden

This Fall semester is almost all gone, and I'm really looking forward to my winter break. And the 3 of January my winter semester begins. Two online classes keeping my fingers crossed I have one already, a G.E (General Education) class Early Childhood Education. And then I'm hoping to crash another 3 unit class. Finals this week that is coming, Art 10C, English 1, Human Geography and Art History. And then I'm done! I have one class on Monday and then I'm going to the air port...Sweden time!!

Time pass by so fast and now it's time to catch up with my family members for a while. One of my family members is sick. I don't want to spend my time on the other side of the world.
This family member means way to much for me. So I'm coming home, for a undecided amount of time. And please those of you that know who my family member is, please don't say it here.

Love Camilla

söndag 5 december 2010

Long time no see or is it long time no blogging?

What the heck has been going on in my life the past 3 weeks?Well I better look back in my calender so that I don't miss anything.Week 1
Hollywood sign, now I can cross off one more thing on my list of things to do before I die. But I was a little disappointed because I've always imag
ine the Hollywood sign to be 3-D but it's so flat and much smaller than I thought. You can real
ly see it from far far away but it's not that big. I h
ad fu
n, nice company by Noemi and Moises.
Week 2
Thanksgiving in Vermont, I have been so close to go a
nd visit my old host family for two years but this time everything went as I wanted it to go. So Thursday at 4pm Brighton, Christina and Daniella picked me up at the ranch ( Dartmouth coach bus station) And I was so glad and relived that Brighton was so happy to see me and it felt almost like I been with her the whole time. I wa
s nervous to, I left a 4 year old girl and now
she was 7
years old. How would I talk to her?? What would she
remember and what would she have forgotten
during these 2,5 years I had been aw
ay. I showed her my pink camera which she liked ve
y much and we played with it the whole trip to W
stock. And suddenly she asks me "Camilla, do you have ghost-vision?" "Do you see ghosts?" What do you answer?? I asked her why she thought t
hat and she told me that Mimi told me that. And I lo
oked at her and told her the truth.
When we got to the house everything was as it had been when I left. And I said hello to Amy, Teresa, Jackson and Zachary. The Boys were pl
aying Wii and Zach dose not remember me that mu
ch. He was only 2 when I left so I can understand that.
We had a lovely dinner, Teresa is the best! I meet so
me of Teresa and Amy's new friends and I got th
e chance to talk some more with Christina who was t
he a
u pair that came after me.
Friday was cold, I went with Amy and B
n to pick-up Rebecka who is the current au pair. It was
nice talking to her she is a "Good girl" that is what Jackson would have said during the time I took care of him. Back home I played some more with
Brighton and the boy's played Wii. M
e, Rebecka and the Kids went to Woodstock playgrou
nd (The Green one) And had a few hours of fun in t
he cold. Saturday started of with lunch at Yama, why it started with lunch is because someone was up all night and could't sleep. And it started to snowing
when we got back out to the cars again. Then I went with Amy and Teresa to pick-out a
cake fo
r Zach birthday. The afternoon went by and it got dar
k, I helped Amy with some scrap booking for the kids.
Sunday, I slept on the couch so that I would't miss Z
ach's birthday. He was so happy and the best thing was of course a new game for the Wii.
After all the presents I had to go and pack my bags be
use it was time to go back to LA.
I had a super fun and relaxing weekend and got back
with new energy.

"That is a big chicken"- Jackson
Uncle Balloon brought fireworks
Proud 5 year old Zach

This is how happy a 5 year old and his brother gets over a new game to their Wii

Week 3
Mostly school, preparing for finals and trying to stay above the water line when things are hard. But I'm thinking like Doris in Finding Nemo "keep on Swimming, keep on swimming"
Two more weeks + one day! Then it's time to go to Sweden over Christmas. Spending time with the people that means the most! Family. I just wish that I had more time to go and see my family in Tidaholm and Stockholm too.

Love Camilla

söndag 14 november 2010

Happy Fathers day!

Happy Fathers day dad! I love you so!

